
The advantages at

The quality of what we have to offer is best gauged by people like you. We want to convince you that is the best choice for booking a hotel stay. That's why this page features plenty of good reasons for booking your hotel stay through Confirmed by independent research, among people like you.

Best Price Guaranteed

The same room cheaper elsewhere? Money back! has the mission to offer the lowest possible price for a hotel stay in the Netherlands or Belgium. Should you unexpectedly find a cheaper offer elsewhere, then we will pay you back the difference. Click here to read the conditions.

No hidden costs

Transparent prices and clear cancellation policy.

We love transparency at A quick glance at our website will show you what the price per room is per night. We're not a fan of hidden costs. At you simply pay the price listed on our website. A straightforward way to book hotel rooms for an honest and competitive price, that's what we like!

Pay at the hotel

Possible at most hotels.

With most hotels that are affiliated with you'll only have to pay upon arrival at the hotel. What's more, many hotels can be booked without a credit card or incurring extra costs. Different conditions may apply for some special offers, but they will always be clearly stated on the website.

Best quality

Proven: is the best website for your hotel booking

Independent research shows that is experienced as the best hotel booking site in terms of quality (source: WUA, november 2012).